
Wednesday, March 28, 2012


There is nothing more beautiful about spring in Texas than the bluebonnets you see on the side of the highway.  I have never...I mean NEVER...been one to really care about taking pictures in the bluebonnets.  I usually shake my head at the people that stop on the highway to climb among the litter and, more than likely, roadkill to take pictures in their Sunday best.  It has just never been something I cared to do but, now that the little man is here and I really want some cute spring pictures, the bluebonnets were calling my name.  My mom and I went today to a place in Benbrook that Jared saw with my Dad and brother this weekend that had a lot of bluebonnets (not on a highway but, by a roadkill for us).  They were right because it was gorgeous!  Although we didn't cross the street to where the massive amount of bluebonnets were, we definitely got a lot of good pictures of Grayson.

Grayson is still recovering from his virus that came over the weekend with a very high fever.  There is nothing scarier that waking up to find your baby with an almost 104 fever!  Luckily, the high fever only lasted about 24 hours and now we are waiting out the rest of the icky virus to get out of his system.  He is feeling so much better though and back to playing, crawling, pulling up (on certain things) and even dancing!  My boy is finally dancing...YAY!!!  We are going to be staying away from large crowds, playgroups and nursery for the rest of the week to make sure the little man is ready to handle any germs thrown his way.  I must say that G definitely has a working immune system. I hate to see my sweet boy sick and just pitiful but, I am always so thankful that his immune system is working hard to fight off whatever illness he has.  God's design truly is amazing!

Have a great rest of the week!  

Monday, March 19, 2012

What a Week...

I cannot believe that it is already Monday again!  This past week has been so busy but a lot of fun!  Grayson has been on the move all week long and getting into everything he can.  It's made for one mischievous baby and one tired Mommy!  And of course, the new adventures have also created new opportunities for injury and the little man is definitely doing well keeping up on the injury quota for a new crawler.  Poor guy but, I think it bothers me more than it does him. 

The wood floor is not his friend

We have also been enjoying the spring weather with trips to the park for a nice stroll and some swinging.  It is so much fun to watch him admire the wonders of God's creation!  

Walking at Willow Creek Park

He was annoyed with me because he wanted to look around and I wanted a picture

After a busy weekend of a baby shower and church festivities Grayson and I just stayed in today waiting on the rain that didn't arrive until tonight.  At least I got caught up on some chores around the house and we played a lot today.  G has been enjoying pulling up on windowsills and Mommy's leg and getting so much better at standing on his own.  He is getting too big way too quick.  But I am taking advantage of his new skills and let the little guy 'paint' on the front door while watching the storm roll in and the kids play outside.  He had so much fun!

Painting up a storm

We are ready for another busy week and hoping the weather doesn't make us cancel any of our plans.  Happy Spring (on Wednesday) y'all!

Monday, March 12, 2012

We're on the move...

Grayson is turning 8 months tomorrow and has decided that it will be a great time to start crawling.  Thank goodness!  He has been on the verge of crawling for quite a while but, just hasn't had the motivation/need to actually go.  I do find it to be quite amusing that he would only crawl for his diaper basket!  However, he has finally been crawling for some toys, as well.

Jared and I are thrilled that Grayson has finally reached this milestone and we have a feeling that pulling up won't be too far behind,  Playtime has been a lot of fun today...make sure you ask me how much fun it is next week.  Haha1

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Happy To Be Healthy

It has been so great having a healthy baby this week.  We had a busy week of baby showers, play groups, zoo trip, and shopping.  I have definitely enjoying being a SAHM with my sweet Grayson this week and we have both been loving this beautiful weather.  I think his favorite part of this week has been eating.  He is doing so good feeding himself that we are introducing some new finger foods.  We starting this week with some yummy cookies since he seems to be teething ... we shall see if it actually produces any pearly whites!  My mom and I went to Target this week to make a return and get the little man a new travel booster seat and, as Target always does, we were sucking into looking around at almost everything.  So, I gave Grayson a couple cookies to enjoy before we had lunch (please don't mention this to him when he's a toddler :-).  Needless to say , I think he enjoyed them... 

I started bringing some more finger foods into his breakfast this week.  It was easier this way since our nights have been kind of crazy resulting in dinner not being very baby friendly.  So, Grayson had some eggs and pancakes for the first time this week.  He did so good feeding himself and had a great time.  Now, I have to make sure I have yummy foods for him to eat at dinner time this week. 

We also made another trip to the zoo this week.  Grayson's Great-er Aunt Kristy gave him a zoo pass for Christmas and since the weather has been so nice we have been enjoying it.  We went this Thursday to enjoy the weather without the half-priced day crowd.  Note to self, verify that it is NOT Home School Day before going to the zoo!  Not only was it crowded but it was crowded with socially awkward kiddos!  It was an interesting day to say the least but, we had fun with our neighbor Tina and her son, Ezra.

It has been a fun week and I can't wait to see what the new week brings.  This week has truly been a blessing and I feel lucky to be able to spend everyday seeing my smiling baby boy's face!